Music therapy in the videos I have posted so far may not seem like such a big deal --typical child's play you might say. But if you take a look at the evaluation for Eric (link at bottom), there is a lot more going on than first meets the eye. For example:
During the maraca play, he demonstrated the ability to keep a beat in time with the music for most of the song. He was able to play the castanet, which required finger isolation, however had some difficulty and required help holding the instrument. It was at this time that it was evident his right was his dominant hand since he was able to complete lhe task with this hand. This information led the music therapist to believe that both sides were equally developed.If you are considering music therapy for your child, then this 5-page evaluation and recommendation for Eric’s therapy program is worth reading. It will give you a very good idea how music therapy works for children on the autism spectrum. Prepared by the therapist after three, one-on-one sessions, it goes into detail describing what was observed and proposing strategies in the following areas: Cognitive/social, communication/language, motor-skills, sensory, and behavioral.
Full Evaluation PDF
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