1/17/2003 - Age 3.11 Years
It was difficult to assess Eric's fine motor skills due to lack of cooperation. However, he was able to complete a large 5-piece knob puzzle of colors with maximum physical assistance and verbal prompting. When presented with other activities, he cried and refused to comply with the evaluator... He is not interested in drawing, coloring, or playing with tactile materials such as sand or play-doh.5/6/2005 - Age 6.2 Years: Eric drew this on a dry erase board. I took a picture because, believe it or not, this was progress. There was something about the I, Robot movie (Will Smith) that captivated Eric. He must have watched the video a dozen times.
9/23/2005 - Age 6.7 Years
Fine motor functioning was significantly below expectations, as Eric had difficulty holding a pencil and was unable to write any letters correctly... Eric's graphomotor difficulties indicate he will have an extremely difficult time learning handwriting.9/2007 - Age 8.6 Years
His draw a person [sic] is delayed for his age since Eric draws a stick person with transparent shoes.9/2008 - Age 9.6 Years
His handwriting speed fluctuates with his attention the task... pencil grasp appears functional for Eric but is also slows down his writing speed.1/2009 - Age 9.10 Years: Eric draws this after seeing a live performance by the Blue Man Group.
9/2009 - Age 10.6 Years
Eric's handwriting is slow but precise with good legibility He continues to utilize a tripod grasp of the pencil...2/2010 - Age 11.0 Years: Eric show begins to show interest in drawing and painting.
4/2010 - Age 11.2 Years
He requires verbal cues to color the entire section of a picture and to choose appropriate colors. At this time Eric needs to build consistency with writing, cutting, and coloring skills.9/2010 - Age 11.6 Years
...(this) test presents drawings of geometric forms arranged in order of increasing difficulty that the individual is asked to copy... His grasp appears essentially unchaged from previous reports...The pencil tends to be vertical and he does not appear to demonstrate fine distal control. Eric focused on the task before him and copied the designs in the box but his figures were large and he needed frequent reminders to draw in the stimulus box... Eric's score on the motor test is below average. Eric drew very accurately but he exceeded the time limit which impacted his score.9/2011 - Age 12.6 Years: It was decided during this year's IEP meeting that Eric no longer needed school OT services.
Eric had done an excellent job attending and following through with keyboarding and writing activities... It appears that using (a computer) for writing helps with his accuracy, spelling, speed of output, and ability to sustain attention... Motor services are no longer recommended to carry over his skill in this area...3/28/13 - Age 14.1 - Eric likes drawing at this point.
5/25/13 - Age 14.3: Eric loves drawing now. His level of attention and focus is second only to when he's playing guitar.
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