Here are some observations made by the therapist during this dance segment which focused on gross-motor skills.
Eric appears to have some adequate, age-appropriate gross-motor skills. He was able to participate in most of the imitation tasks. During the several motor imitation activities presented during this evaluation, Eric's responses were generally accurate. This was observed when he attempted to walk, run, jump, gallop and tiptoe along with "Bop Till You Drop." He was able to imitate many the actions, however had difficulty with more complex ones (i.e. gallop and tiptoe) during which he either ran or walked. In addition, his gross motor actions were increased and more accurate when he held the therapist's hands during the activities. This seemed to provide the support and confidence that he desired to complete the action accurately.And on sensory issues...
Eric was not observed using objects in unusual ways. For example, he did not seem to become fixated on parts of objects or engage in repetitive actions with items. However, he did become obsessed with the CD player the therapist brought. He often stared at it when she walked in and during some of the session. He was very interested in closing the CD cover and if it was not covered he stared at the numbers. Though, when engaged in an enjoyable activity he would turn his attention towards the therapist.Full evaluation PDF
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