The Irony Mask
I don’t know any boy who loves Halloween more than Eric. Last fall, for the first time since he started trick-or-treating, he did not go door to door with his younger brother. Instead he wanted to stay home and hand out treats from our front porch. He wore his Michael Myers mask and silently waited outside as the sun set. This was the only day of the year when people treated him the way they would treat everyone else. Kids were not afraid of him, except for the littlest ones. They did not avoid him. Instead they seeked him out. On halloween he was accepted as “normal” while wearing his nightmare slasher costume. Kids would come up to him with a smile and greet him with delight, “Trick-or-Treat Michael Myers!” and “Cool costume!” He was popular and he didn’t even have to say a single word. No one would make fun of the way he spoke. For one night, everything was ok.
I know how he feels. Oh yes the irony. It probably shouldn't be a surprise that most people wear that facade in public. But for some of us it is easier to hide behind a screen. I hope Eric finds the strength to find his way out ofthe forest, so to speak. The world really is a beautiful place to explore and look at. In spite of those that ruin it for people like Eric & me.
Nice post Tim.
In spite of it all, Eric manages to stay sweet. Even if at times it's easier to be someone else. Thanks Andrew.
He might like the movie Nightbreed if he hasn't seen it already
And to his credit L Lau. This is our strength to retain the innocence of the child within. It is this which gets us through the tough times. The strength of the child is forgiveness.
A few months ago Eric probably would've jumped at the chance to see another horror film. But he recently announced that he's "not into horror anymore." Now it's all DC & Marvel. He went to Denver Comic Con less than two weeks ago and is already talking about what costume to wear next year. I am sure there will be a mask involved Sarah Jane Smith =)
Well said Andrew Bromley!
How cool!
I'm glad you liked it Janet Amorello!
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